Ytterby feldspar mine about 1910. Photo: Lennart Halling
In a quarry on Resarö’s eastern headland in Vaxholm municipality, a heavy black stone was found about 200 years ago. This would be the beginning of an unparalleled development in Swedish chemical research. 23 elements were identified, eight of these in minerals from the quarry.
The Ytterby Gruva association works for:
to spread knowledge about Ytterby mine and its history
to find a long-term sustainable solution to the management and ownership of the mine
to document and coordinate all research and activities connected to the mine.
A person has contacted the association and has single-handedly colored the photos taken by Lennart Halling in the mining area during the early part of the 20th century. The association would like to thank Konstantin Petrov who runs Scandinavian History Tours, for this contribution.
Pontus Holmström was born in Finland, in Dickursby, which is located on the main line three miles north of Helsinki. After completing military service in the artillery, he studied at the Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering. There he had as a professor of inorganic chemistry Olavi Erämetsä, who was very involved in […]
The dates for the 2023 public guided tours have now been released.
Important: The guided tours are in Swedish. If you want a tour in English, you need to book a personal guide.
The tours take place in the open pit above ground and do not include the underground facility and the spaces that were built during the Cold War.
Advance notification to is required. Email names, how many of you there are and which show you want to attend. Please note that viewings may be fully booked.
Meetup and payment of SEK 80/per person takes place on site a quarter of an hour before the tour (Swedish “Swish”-payment only). If you come from another country, please notify us and we will arrange another payment solution.
Sunday June 11 at 10.30 (Guide: Maria Johansson)
Sunday July 9 at 10.30 (Guide: Maria Johansson)
Sunday July 30 at 10.30 (Guide: Eric Thorslund)
Sunday August 27 at 10.30 (Guide: Maria Johansson)
Meeting place: Ytterbyvägen 65, below the stairs.
The tours take place outdoors and take about an hour.
On Sunday, April 23, the Ytterby Mining Association’s annual meeting took place in Resarö Bygdegård. The day began with a working day where slush was cleared from the mine area. After that there was a sausage grilling, coffee and cake and finally a walk to the community center to listen to a talk by Marcus Ivarsson, researcher at the National Museum of Natural History and CEO of MycoMine, who talked about their technology for cleaning mine water from oil.
The YouTube channel Hidden in Sweden tells in a new video an in-depth story about Ytterby Gruva during the Cold War. In the film, the producer Per Salmin is seen together with the chairman of the Ytterby Gruva Association Sven-Olof Kviman and guide Erik Thorslund. Research and facts in the film come from association member Tommy Wahlund’s research and lecture “Ytterby and the Cold War”. The lecture will again be given on a number of occasions this spring exclusively to the association’s members.
Do you want to become a member of the association? Click here. Do you want to book a visit to the mine? Contact us at
On March 21, the mining room was visited by filmmaker Per Salmin. Two representatives from the Ytterby Mining Association were present. See the pictures below.
The mining room and the bomb protection. Photo: Eric ThorslundSven-Olof Kviman in the boat. Photo: Per SalminRock pocket in the mine room. Photo: Eric ThorslundThe bomb protection. Photo: Per SalminThe bomb protection. Photo: Eric Thorslund
Hello everybody! We are closely connected with Stiftelsen Ytterby Gruva, and things have started to move, both in terms of the association’s activities and the ownership of the mining area. Status report A very active 2022 is coming to an end and we want to take the opportunity to give some updates.A larger number of […]
On Sunday, August 28, there were three different presentations on site at Ytterby Gruva. Eric Thorslund told the story of the mine and the discovery of the elements.
Bengt Sandell, whose grandfather’s father was the last mine bailiff, told a little about the time from when the mine stopped being used in 1935 until the family sold it to the Crown in 1953.
Susanne Sjöberg told, on site in a rock room about 400 meters in, about her research on biological processes that create minerals in the mine tunnel.
Hi everyone! On Sunday August 28 at 11:00 we invite you to two events around the mine, which we think will be very interesting. At 11.00, up at the bailiff’s office (above the stairs up to the mine), Bengt Sandell will answer questions about when the mine was sold to the Crown in 1953. Bengt […]